"Center the Body in Breath,
Center the Mind in Stillness,
Center the Heart in Love,
You will find yourself
Centered in the Cosmos."
~ Author Unknown
Learn what it feels like to:
- Loosen and mobilize your spine
- Strengthen the fascial weight bearing lines
- Develop your Core Potential
- Open your Pelvic Floor
- Activate your Power Potential
- Find the Firmness of your Balance
The class incorporates:
- Hatha Yoga Postures
- Deep Stretching
- Core Muscle Development
- Body Alignment
- Personalized Attention
The class is designed for those who:
- Have physical challenges, but want to develop an exercise program
- Want to develop or deepen a Yoga or Pilates Practice
- Strive to keep a younger body
- Want to enhance your bodywork sessions