My personal Goal for Teaching Bodyworkers is to Firmly Embed the following concepts:
I. Module Learning – There are 7 learning modules available (see below), with approximately 2-3 months between modules. Module 1: Introduction to DRI, will teach basic navigational and treatment tools to practice on each other and patients. In all modules, students will practice 2 bodywork sessions on each other, and will have a complete postural evaluation to use as reference to receive bodywork from a partner within a study group format. Modules will either be 1 day, or 2 days.
II. Study Group Work – Students will meet regularly, either as partners or as a group, for practice on each other. Nancy will facilitate every third meeting, which will be 2.5-3 hours long. She will teach and demonstrate, and the group will evaluate individual progress and further treatment planning. The frequency of the meetings will be discussed by the group.
III. Continued Study Group Work with Format Change – Students will be working on one of their own patients. We will do a group assessment (this could be staggered one-on-one with NDY, or as a group – this is open for discussion). This case study will include treatment, post-session follow-up, and treatment planning. Students will treat the patient 2-3 times in your practice, then we will repeat with a follow-up group.
IV. Training Wrap-Up – There will be a certification process that will be a combination of individual mentoring, testing, and demonstration.
Module 1
Introduction to Dynamic Re-Integration: A Method of Navigation Trough the Fascial Matrix
Module 2
Placing the Pelvis: Lengthening from the Hips to the Toes
Module 3
Freeing the Spring of the Spine: Spiraling into Movement
Module 4
Righting the Ribcage: Integrating the Breath, and Freeing the Neck, Jaw, and Scalp
Module 5
Shifting the Shoulders: Opening the Arms, Wrists, and Hands
Module 6
Finding the Feet: Establishing Foundation
Module 7
Spreading the Scars: Releasing Embedded Trauma
Each Module Will Contain:
1. Conceptual Understanding
a. Fascial and Structural Visualization - Becoming Eidetic
b. Fascial Mapping and Session Charting
2. RE-modeling the Body
a. Therapeutic Applications
b. Tissue Manipulations Techniques
i. Demonstrations
ii. Partner Exchanges
3. Posture Analysis
a. Gait and Stance
b. Following the Lines
4. Moving In the Body Connective
a. Seeing and Feeling through Movement
i. Postural Lines: Core Stability
ii. Spiraling Lines: Movement Ability
b. Moving the Parts
c. Dynamic Core Class - A Program of Movement
i. Spinal Mobilization
ii. Building Core Strength
5. Integrative Breath Work
a. Rapport Building
6. Clinical Applications and Practive Development
a. Diagnosis Driven Applications
b. Communications with Physicians
7. Self Care
a. Applying what you Learn: Healing Yourself